
Can You Hear Me?

This blogpost is being dictated using windows speech recognition.  It has taken a while to get used to dictating to the computer.  I think even typing one hand may have been faster, but hopefully the computer will learn my voice and this will soon become much easier.  I do think it is quite brilliant that we're able to convert speech to text so quickly.  Most people would have given up by now but I guess that's what makes me a geek.

I sat down with the intention to write about something different and remembered this awesome feature so my other topic went out the window.  It will have to wait for another day.

Speech recognition is not a new thing but it is still in its early stages.  So many improvements can be made and eventually may not even need a keyboard or mouse.  The days of star trek, star wars, minority report and iron man with eventually come and will become even more lazy.  But until then, speech recognition will be my little toy.

Years ago my friend Sam and I messed around with speech recognition and left it running through an entire conversation with some of his friends.  Some of the dictation was perfect.  Some was OK.  Some were downright hilarious.  We laughed for hours about that and it never got old.  I want to give you a sample.  I'm going to read my last geek tip so you can get an idea of some of the funny things speech recognition will hear.  Here goes:

Keep chip: do not injure yourself.  Ever.  The reports are what make you a key.  The hand for example is required for the use of a keyboard, mouse, Xbox controller, tables, and many more vital pieces of tech equipment.  The fun is needed for opening soda cans.  Lakes; transportation to GameStop.  The west can go on.  The orange when breaking any part of your body will require more effort and willpower to complete even simple key tasks.  King with one hand is possible, but she may be permitted to only one or two games.  Java into the video game stores possible without legs, but will require the invention of depression over that.

There you have it.  Some is pretty good but you can probably pick out some pretty funny stuff.  Hopefully the computer will learn my voice and faster otherwise typing with one hand may be the better option.

Can You Hear Me

Hey can You hear Me
Are You really out there
Oh I am trapped in the cages
Of the scars I must bear
And I can't tell and I can't speak
I can't even repeat what it is
Hey can You see Me
See these hollowing eyes
Don't You think something is missing
In My calm peaceful smile
But I can't tell and I can't speak
I can't even repeat what is

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